Top 5 Productivity Apps for Your Android Phone/Tablet

First of all, what is productivity? Henry Ford famously said “improved productivity means less human sweat, not more.” Essentially meaning, working smarter, not harder. Whether it’s in the office, on the football field or even around the house, being productive is something a lot of us strive for, only to fall short. Why? Well, one of the biggest reasons is distractions. And one of the biggest distractions are our phones and tablet devices.


So how do we harness an otherwise distracting device in to a tool to help you become more productive? Well we’ve put together a list of our top 5 productivity apps for your Android phone/tablet.



Do you work as part of a team? Sick of messy email threads between multiple departments? Well Asana will make your life so much easier. Essentially it’s a one stop shop project management app. You can create projects, assign tasks to users, set deadlines, comment, upload photos and much much more.

Standing for “If this then that” IFTTT is the ultimate productivity app. As the name might suggest, IFTTT allows you to setup “recipes” to help you with repetitive internet tasks. For example, you may want to be emailed your favourite basketball teams score as soon as it’s posted by them on their official Facebook page. Or better yet, maybe you want every recipe that’s posted on a Youtube channel you subscribe to, saved to your Dropbox. IFTTT can do all of this and much more. It has so much potential to help you increase your productivity and is applicable to a wide range of otherwise time consuming everyday tasks.


Last Pass

Sick of wasting time trying to remember your passwords or coming up with new passwords that need to look something like this “#p@55_w0Rd$11” well thankfully there is this neat little app called Last Pass to help you out. Last Pass is like a vault to store all your passwords in one place. But it doesn’t just stop there. Last Pass also helps you generate strong passwords and automatically fills in passwords through the in-app browser or with Chrome.



Do you waste a lot of time reading interesting/silly articles that you probably shouldn’t be? Well put it in your pocket. Pocket is an Android app that allows you to save articles to read later. Best of all, it saves them so you can read them offline at your own leisure.


Whilst there is a lot of note taking software out there such as OneNote & Google Keep, we think Evernote is the best overall. It allows you to easily jot down notes, pictures, audio snippets and even video clips. They are then organised in to notebooks which sync across your devices in to a very user friendly interface and then can easily be shared with other users and also collaborate on notebooks together.


Hopefully one, if not all of these apps will help you get more out of your Android phone or tablet device.